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tv   CNN News Central  CNN  May 22, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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time is almost up to strike a deal. the u.s. is now only ten days away from potentially catastrophic default. we just got word that the negotiators are meeting right now. new details of where things stand ahead of the crucial meeting ahead with the president and the speaker of the house. and tim scott now makes the
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white house bid official, and the challenge now is to take on trump without making the base turn against him. these stories ahead on cnn "news central." so, this just in. we got word that negotiators are meeting right now. this is ahead of the crucial meeting this afternoon between president biden and house speaker kevin mccarthy. june 1st is now 10 days away, and this is the day that treasury secretary janet yellen says is a hard deadline that is ahead of the economic disaster that going to affect millions of americans like medicare and medicaid benefits and military salaries and other benefits at real risk. and now, many at capitol hill hounding their representatives, and that is the last we heard
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from house speaker kevin mccarthy. >> look, there is no agreement on anything. we have all said the peace on where we r and we are trying to find common ground to get this done. >> so right to manu raja on capitol hill. i understand that the staff level negotiators and members are back together at this moment. what does that mean? >> yeah, that is right. the negotiations are taking place right now, but there are huge obstacles ahead in order to avoid the nation's first ever debt default and to raise the $30 trillion debt limit, and if not, the government cannot pay its bills, and if so, economic calamity could ensue. the democrats and the republicans are not on the same page on a whole wide range of issues and namely on the federal cut of spending. the republicans want to pear back the spending, and the
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democrats are pushing back on that, and now they are trying to negotiate to find a middle ground, and there are a whole host of policy issues at play, too, and negotiators, garrett graves, who is in the meeting right now with the white house negotiators indicated to the repo reporters, that they have to find out how much the government is willing to spend, and then the rest of issues could fall into place. >> i want to be very clear, the numbers are foundational here. the speaker is very clear that a red line is spending less money, and unless and until we are there, the rest is irrelevant. unless we close the numbers and the speaker of the house is very clear, and once we do that, everything else is going to cascade in. >> reporter: but there is just not much time to get a deal. typically the fiscal agreements take months to hammer out, and often they cannot do that in a
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matter of months. they have matter of days. so for months they had a negotiation to have taushgs because they wanted the republicans to raise the debt ceiling without any conditions, and now the republicans want a slew of conditions, and now the talks of what those conditions are. over the weekend, back and forth posturing and blame game trading, but after mccarthy and biden spoke last night, the temperature dialed down a little bit, and the negotiators said that the talks are more productive, but still a whole lot more left to do here between the president and the speaker. john? >> so talks, yes, moving, not sure yet. we go to arlette seanez, what is your view of where we are standing? >> well, with the house speaker
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kevin mccarthy is a phone conversation with the president. so far, the white house is tight-lipped with how the talks have been playing out over the last 24 hours. as you heard manu report that they are trying to lay out the groundwork of the meeting that is going to play out this afternoon. it is coming at the high stakes and urgent moment as time is quickly dwindling towards the june 1st deadline, and president biden over the weekend warned of the threat of a default, and he suggested that some republicans might try to use this moment as an opportunity to damage him politically. take a listen. >> i think that there are some maga republicans in the house who know the damage that it would do to the economy, and because i am president, and a president is responsible for everything, biden would take the blame, and this is the one way to make sure that biden is not
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re-elected. >> heading into the meeting, there are vast differences of how to approach the budget agreement. manu talked about spending levels, and the white house would like to free it at the current year, and the republicans want it to be reversed back to fiscal year 2022, but the president made it clear over the weekend that it is time for the republicans to start to compromise, and he noted that it has to be a bi-partisan deal and getting the sign-in from the republicans and the democrats, and in order for that to happen, the republicans have to make some concessions in the negotiations, but certainly at the moment, they are facing incredibly real constraints as the president and speaker mccarthy come together this afternoon as a potential default is getting closer and closer in this country. >> so the meeting of the principles at this minutes are
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meeting, and you let us know if there is white smoke or black smoke coming from the meeting, manu. thank you. and at this hour, tim scott, a representative of the republican party is going to take to his alma mater at university of south carolina to carve out his own path in the republican field, and a field that polls clearly show is still dominated by former president donald trump of course. joining me ahead of the big announcement is former republican congresswoman mia love, and also political commentator errol louis and it is so great to see you, and as we wait to hear from tim scott next hour, what are you seeing him doing? and what do you need to see him do with the first introduction to the voters today? >> that is what i am going to be
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listening to, kate. we need to hear what he is up to. there is one theory that says if you are not donald trump, you rung for vice president. is tim scott running for vice president? he has a big war chest, and $22 million in the campaign account that he just won, and won a smashing re-election last year, and the seat is not up to, so does he want to position to a successor to trump or counter point to trump, and this is what i am going to be listening for. he could be any one of the three things. >> well,erroll, you have hit it on the head, because it could be any one of three things. and now, back, you were the first female elected to congress, and scott was the first republican ever elected in south carolina, and what do you make of the announcement today? >> well, i think that it is something that he has thought
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about for a little bit, but i agree with erroll, because one of the things that the candidates have the deal with is donald trump. he is still polling well. he has the followers, and they need somebody to, and they need somebody to lead them. they need somebody to look to, an alternative. so they all have to answer the question, what do i do with donald trump. i don't think that tim scott is looking to be a donald trump vp. donald trump is very hard on the republican party, and so he is looking to set his own path, and own goals. tim is a very good friend of mine, and he is very policy-oriented and one thing that i am proud of tim, he is the only one who has tried to solve the major issues in the senate that we are trying to
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deal with, police reform, and he was right there at the beginning criminal justice reform, and he is trying to help americans and continue to help americans looking at police reforms. >> and erroll, we are looking at covering tim scott for years, and he has a sunny disposition, and he does, and that is how many people do -- i don't want to say paint him, but that is how people describe him as a real counterpoint to donald trump, because in terms of policy, they are similar, but in terms of the approach, he is a sunnier approach to the future as opposed to donald trump, and so can nice beat donald trump? >> well, we know the answer to
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that, because nice gets crushed by donald trump. and tim scott is running on the personal biography, and he had a keynote slot at the republican convention a few year ago, and he went from going from cotton to congress, and he had a grandfather who dropped out of school in the third grade to pick cotton, and here he is a generation later after being raised by a single mom. it is a very inspiring story, but it does not translate to policy. there was a lot of hope riding on tim scott to work with corey booker to come up with police reform. so the personal biography, and the sunny outlook has to translate into policy if things are going to change, and politically he can ride pretty far, but we have to wait to see
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what he has to say today. >> one thing that he said, congresswoman, is the republican response to biden's speech in 2021 and his run for congress, and he declared that america is not a racist nation. let me play this for everybody. >> hear me clearly, america is not a racist country. it is backwards to fight discrimination with different types of discrimination, and it is wrong to use our past to shutdown debates in the nation. >> so how does that message play with the voters when you are running against donald trump in the republican primary? >> well, i think that first of all the senator has done everything he could to try and
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say and color, faith, sexual orientation is another way to divide this country, and so all of us here talking on this panel can be one. we can be one without being the same. and we can look at issues that we care deeply about, and work sgrrnlg and we can work on this and be a better america. if he continues down that path in terms of the oneness and getting america to come together as one, and it does not mean that we have to be one the same, because i am comfortable in my skin. i am american, and a wife and mother first and foremost, and all of issues that we can look at and that would really help america, and that is helping us
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to become one if we focus on that together. >> we will see what comes with the senator. >> good to hear from you. john. >> the russians are claiming that there is much more going on inside of the russian borders. the ukrainians are saying they are still hanging on to some of the neighborhoods in bakhmut which is the area in the far east that the russians are saying that they have taken hold of the city which is the by far the frmt bloodiest city fights
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>> they have destroyed everything. it is a pity, and it is a tragedy, but for today, bakhmut is in our hearts. >> all right. cnn's sam kiley is in southwestern ukraine, and so this claim from the russians that this city over the border of ukraine, they say there are ukrainian saboteurs operating in and around the area. what can you tell us? >> well, the ukrainians say, you are right, except they are not russians, and that they involved in this cross border legion who are a group of volunteers who
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have been fighting them when i encounted them in the south of the backline there, and it app appears and they are saying somewhat coyly entirely as freely as they hoped. they are using ukrainian bullets and weapons. and the political leader is saying that the combat is ongoing and certainly social media is indicating that from a number of videos that are posted that they have posted themselves from a number of villages from
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and they have gained ground inside of russia, and we have seen the covert operations inside of the lines of ukraine and indeed mysterious activities inside of russia itself, and gunship military attacks inside of the city within the past, and the ukrainians have not acknowledged in the past, but this is a first. >> this is belgorad there, and they are saying that the pro ukrainian forces are operating there inside of russia for the first time. we will come back to you, sam kiley. kate? >> a man who is to enter a ple
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today for those four murdered idaho college students. and the fine against met ta, and what it means for your data. and paying customers have docked at the international space center, and they are making history. we have much more on this coming up on cnn "news central." you founded your kayak company because e you love the ocean- not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed insnt match instantly delivers quality candidates matching youjob description. visit - represtative! - sorry, i didn't get that. - oh buddy! yoneed a hug. you also need consumer cellular. get the exact same coverage as the nation's leading carriers and 100% us based customer support. starting at $20.
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the subway series is taking your favorites to the next level. hold on, chuck! you can't beat the italian bmt. uh you can with double cheese and mvp vinaigrette. double cheese?!? yes and yes! man, you crazy. try the refreshed favorites at subway today. on the radar this hour in gulfport, mississippi a transgendered student missed her graduation this weekend after a judge ruled that the school officials could forbid her from wearing a dress and heels under the robe. the teen chose to miss the
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ceremony because she would rather stand up for what is right than be humiliated. this is more of what she told cnn. >> it was detrimental, you know, to know that i won't be able to experience my graduation the way i had envisioned it and planned it for so many years. i have been going to the school actively being me with my teachers, with my, the other class to be force something that is totally difference from myself and my character. >> cnn has reached out to the school, but not heard back. and now n denver, a passenger from frontier was kicked off of the plane when she kicked the flight attendant. the passenger became belligerent and picked up a intercom phone
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and hit the flight attendant with it, and then the passenger was cited for assault, and caused a four-hour delay. met ta has been fined $3.1 billion for violating eu privacy laws usually, that type of data is served to a company in the united states, and it is told. >> to stop using data. and now, a man is in court after having been said to be arranged on four counts of murder and one count of burglary with the murder of those four college stunds in idaho. with me is the attorney from
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columbia law student. it is expected that kohberger is going top and what does this case hinge on? >> well, there a procedural issue and interesting one because that we in court today. first of all the prosecutors indicted kohberger, and there was supposed to be a hearing, but they indicted him. they decided to continue with the indictment, and the issue is that in a preliminary attorney kohberger could have gotten some information about the case, and as you know the grand jury is secretive. there is gag order in the case. the public has little
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information which is why there have been so many conspiracy theorys in this case. the public is just fascinated by it. >> and how would you go about trying this case? >> there is cell phone data and dna case, and that type of evidence is difficult the defend against. so far, we don't have reporting of the relationship of kohberger, and these four people, and there is a lot of speculation. and hand a recent reporting of kohberger having a recent past of stalking, and things of that nature, but it is looking at a history in the past of stalking. >> kohberger wanted a interview with one of the members of the house, and could that testimony be allowed and how would that
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happen? >> it is not going to happen prior, and this is the type of thing that will be happening before the hearing, and so they will not get the information based on that information, and you want to dive deeper into the information, and confronting information, and the attorneys were caught flat footed with the indictment. now they have to proceed ur, and today is the first day of the trial, and they will have to defend. >> thank you for coming in, caroline polisi. an attorney who is working donald trump legal team is saying that he is leaving and it has nothing to do with the case or the client. f and for the second time, a
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space shshuttle has docked with the international space station. we will have latest. more protection, more sun, more joy. neutrogena® beach defense®
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alqarni. welcome back to cnn "news central." soon, president biden and house speaker kevin mccarthy are soon to pick up their negotiations, but it is not clear if they have
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made any progress, but the timing is clearly running out. the united states could run out of money to pay its bills as soon as june 1st which is ten days from now. the next hour, south carolina republican tim scott is to officially launch his 2024 presidential campaign and that announcement is to be taking place in his hometown of charleston. he launched an exploratory campaign in april and filed the paperwork with the fcc last week, and this is the same week that governor of florida is set to also announce his run.
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and now, paula read had an excellent interview with tim who left the trump attorney who led it to boris epstein who left imt -- left it impossible for him to be on the team. >> he served as filter to get the information to client and from the client, and in my opinion, he was not honest with us or with the client on certain things. there were certain things like the searches that he had attempted to interfere with. and then more recently, as we are coming down to the end of the investigation where jack smith and ultimately merrick
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garland are going to be doing, we put together the defense strategy to help to educate merrick garland of how best to handle this matter, he was preventing frus engaging in that strategy. >> there he is accusing boris of interfering with the search for additional classified documents and that is significant, because one of the focuses of the jack smith is possible obstruction of justice into the possible mishandling of classified documents. and one of the statements say that mr. parlatore is no longer a member of the team, and his stat statements are categorically false. and so in-fighting is nothing new, but having this out in the open is unclear, and sod will
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the president change up his team, and another big question is was the special counsel watching? >> i am sure that the special counsel watched the interview, and they have talked to people on the new, but the word choice, interfering and preventive is very close to obstructing potentially, and what did he say that jack smith is up to? >> shots fired, right. he does not believe that his client is going to be charged here, but what his former colleague may have tried to do in interfering in the investigation here, and some of the other things they wanted to talk about here is what his client may or may not have done, and did he actually declassify the materials that ended up at mar-a-lago, and by my count, we have four different public explanations of what happened to the documents. some former associates of the president said that he had a
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standing ding declassification, some said that he had them declassified in his mind, and some said that he followed them and then stopped following them, and then he said that all of the materials in florida was the chaos at the end of the administration, and so we went through each of the explanations, and i was not able to get an answer of the how, when and where trump may have declassified the materials. and the other big thing i wanted to get an answer on is that you may remember at the town hall our colleague kaitlan collins was asked if he had shown classified materials if he had shown the materials to anybody else, and he said not really, and he said there is no evidence that he had shown the classified documents to anyone, and so a lot more questions than answers. >> a lot of wiggle room, but data points in this time line. thank you, paula, in that interview that you did.
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back to you, kate. >> right now, we are standing by for a crew of private astronauts to open the hatch and board the international space station. a team of four successfully docked last hour, and now they will spend eight days in space working alongside the existing team, and conducting more than 20 experiments and other projects. cnn's carlos suarez is live at kennedy's space center for us. carlos, last hour they docked and when is the crew expected to enter the space station and what is going to happen now? >> well, kate, we expect that to happen within the hour. a few moments ago we heard that the arena the astronauts are going to use to cross over into the international space station has been pressurized, the two americans and two saudis are set to join seven other astronauts currently at the iss is where they are going to do some science experiments.
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among the four-member crew are two americans. the u.s. command ser peggy whitson who is a former nasa astronaut, and former commander of the space station, and she has a great deal of experience in space having spent 665 days in space, and the mission pilot is john shoffner, and two saudis making the trip as well as ali alqarri and rayerayyanah barnaw
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>> this is the beginning of our enjoyment of space, and we hope you enjoy it with us, and dream big. >> and so they are going to open up the hatch within the next ten minutes and then at some point they will cross over into the international space station, and then a welcoming ceremony of the seven astronauts there, and the welcoming of the two americans and the two saudis, and one other point, four astronauts made it to the international space station in record time. it took them 15 hours and 22 minutes which is a new record for the dragon crew. >> it is going to be great to see you in the next few minutes, john. >> they took the express lane. and now, the supreme court clarence thomas is now speaking out, and he is saying why he did
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rayyanah. this just in, gop mega donor and contributor to justice clarence thomas has defended his actions in the "atlantic" and what did he have to say?
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>> well, you know that harlan crowe, and he is a billionaire does not like that he has been dragged into this issue, and it is an ethics issue with the supreme court and potential conflict of interest, and so this is to cut to the chase, i would not ever nor matters of judiciary talk to justice clarence thomas and talk about matters before the court to justice clarence thomas. and so he said that his relationship is borne of friendship and admiration. he talked about the money that he had given to the thomas family as he bought a home that clarence thomas' mother had lived in georgia and he talked about meeting his mother, and
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having many deals with the thomas family, and the way he cast it, again, john, it is one of, you know, deep dear friendship and one where he really wanted the make clear that he was not trying to influence the justy, and obviously, harlan crow has been vested in many ways in conservative causes and trying to move the judiciary to the right, but he said that the conversations to clarence thomas were not of that nature, and if they talked about work, they would do itt in a casual way. you could feel throughout the piece that he did with a prominent writer from "the atlantic" from dallas where harlan crow is based, he wanted to explain himself, any promine officials including someone like clarence thomas, but he did not answer questions about other financial transactions or the benefits that he might have
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bestowed on clarence thomas other than the ones that have already come out, and he also did not want to talk about anything that he had done for other justices, and to refresh your memory, this started when pr propublica did some pieces on some trips on the yacht. >> and this is the disclosure which matters for clarence thomas in this case. >> that is exactly right, and a matter very much for justice thomas to explain. >> joan biskupic, thank you. and now, from being a pro at a golf course to hitting this hole in one on the pga tour,r, will talk to michael block coming up.
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brooks koepka made history becomes the first player from the saudi-backed liv golf tour to win a major and claiming the third pga championship of his career, but the guy who stole the show, sorry, brooks, it was not him, it was michael block from mission viejo whose day job was a pro at a golf course, and he finished day winning almost $300,000 and securing an invitation back next year. and joining us is coy wire, and did he really win $300,000? >> yes, that is the earnings, kate. and we are talking about a guy who is just a guy, a dude, and
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he says he gets to hit a bucket of balls once a week, and that is in between the lessons that he is giving. and this is part of the charm is that they let the club professionals qualify, and of the 20 playing, he is the only one who made the cut. and this round is going to go down as one of the tall tales. he hits a hole in one, and it is his first ever in any competition. and watch the reaction, and he does not understand why the crowd is erupting. and he saying, wow, they just cheered because i hit the green. and rory mcilroy is laughing, because he said, you hit the hole in one, and watch the home crowd back home watching it when he hit the hole in one, and the magic keeps on coming, and to sink the putt in the top 15, and block drops it like it is hot, and that means an automatic berth into next year's pga
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championship, and about $300,000 in earnings with this, and the crowd erupts again, and the emotions coming coming out, and then comes the biggest hug of all, his wife val, and then he was on cnn this morning talking about at the fairytale story. >> she almost killed me. she almost choked me out on that one, but it is great, and she was very emotional and me, too, and she has not seen me cry outside of one other time in my life until this week, and i woke up on my bed crying this week. i can't wait to get on the bed and soak it in, and respond to all of my friends who have wished me, you know, what i have done, and it is, it has been insane, and i have, i can't wait to respond to everybody and say thank you for all of the support. >> the pga tour, and they surprised block by inviting him
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to play again this weekend in fort worth, texas, kate. he is not getting back to teaching lessons next week after all, and his story is so inspiring, it is makes the aspiring writers think, maybe some day i will write a best seller or a artist to paint a masterpiece p and it is somebody that somebody can do something. >> and i'll retire. you say a hole in one in pga championship, and isn't that when you drop the golf club and say, that is it, i'm out. this is my legacy. but he is going to play again, and this is why i don't win at anything, because i would. >> i hope you stick around to the end of the show, kate. >> well, fine. >> and any minute now, south carolina senator tim scott is expected to officially announce the run for the white house putting him up against another big named south carolinian,
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